Two faces,
Trying to merge,
To loosen the mutual grip;
Clear lenses, frightened and wanting,
Two insects, clutching each other…
Disgust and the memory
Of your eyes.
by Michael Graves
![Michael Graves](
POETS WEAR PRADA is a small press based in Hoboken, New Jersey devoted to introducing new authors through limited edition, high-quality chaplets, primarily of poetry.
"New press, great authors, a publisher who is one miracle short of sainthood."
-Angelo Verga, Poetry Curator of The Cornelia Street Cafe
"Stylistically, these beautifully designed and produced chaplets bear their own distinctive signature."
-Linda Lerner, Small Press Review
Yes, I glowed—a little pinker,
blood refusing
previous quiescence
Pheromones long on hold
long for release
I saw two butterflies, one a Cabbage,
mon petit chou, the other, Yellow Sulfur,
stuck together for perhaps illegal lingering
Unmatched butterflies
shouldn't play with fire.
Neither should friends
By Mary Orovan
Mary Orovan was Features Editor of US Camera Magazine and taught at Polytechnic University. "Millimeter" was previously published in Hidden Oak, Fall/Winter 2007. Her chapbook Feathered Trees is due out later this year (2008) from Poets Wear Prada.
© Copyright Mary Orovan 2007